Automatic Facebook Centric Order System for WooCommerce

Our client had an online store with a variety of product range. They had a Facebook page, which they wanted to intelligently intgrate with their WordPress. They wanted a system to post products to Facebook page from within WordPress interface. They also needed a mechanism so that when someone comments “+1” or +any number on the post, it automatically places an order on WordPress. So, the integration is both ways. The idea was amazing and interesting, so we took the job.
Our task mainly was to:
- Implement so that product can be posted to Facebook from WordPress
- Implement automated ordering by just posting a comment on Facebook
- Create user login automatically on WordPress from the Facebook comment and send email notification
- Feature to update billing and shipping info from My Account page of the new user
- Implement custom filter system to see all running orders at a glance for individual products
- Make the solution multisite ready with different Facebook pages for each one
Our Solution
The project was full of new ideas to challenge our limits.
Here’s how we solved the problem:
Posting Products to Facebook
We implemented a product posting feature from within WP Admin to post products to the Facebook page. We have created a separate plugin for the Facebook integration and it utilizes the Facebook Graph API.
Facebook Ordering
Our client wanted us to implement a comment feature so that whenever someone posts a “+1” comment on the product post, the product is automatically ordered on WooCommerce and a WordPress user is created with that user’s name and information from the comment. Later when he orders in future, previously created account for him is reused.
User Login and Info
The automatically created user gets an email about his account with login details. The user can then update their shipping and billing address or any other info from their My Account page.
Custom Filter System
We have also built a custom page under WP Admin WooCommerce menu entry to hold a list of the products that can be filtered if needed. It shows the orders for the individual products and additionally shows order statistics for easier management and monitoring.
Multisite Ready
The Facebook integration is made multisite-ready. So it is possible to have the same function working for each site from a single WordPress installation and integrate them seamlessly. We have also implemented to support separate Facebook pages for each multisite.
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