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Customizable Ring Builder Plugin based on WooCommerce Product Attributes


Our client wanted a product customizer for his Jewellery website. He wanted a Ring Builder to work with 22,000+ WooCommerce products and make it so that every ring is reachable through this interface. The sheer collection of products and how it was laid was phenomenal. We liked the challenge so much we took the job.

Our task mainly was to:

  • Client had products for each of his possible rings (22k+ rings)
  • The products had appropriate attributes
  • Client wanted it to start from a default ring
  • Client wanted it to be able to change various aspects of that ring step by step
  • We would need to show the choice immediately (live preview)
  • We would have to also take care for future product additions
  • We would also have to prepare it so that no empty rings are shown under any option throughout the builder
  • Client also wanted sharing options and email options for the product chosen

Our Solution

This is a complex project. But we have prepared this to be as easy as possible. Plus, we have in depth articles and documentations to help anyone who wants to setup a microlearning platform.

Here’s how we solved the problem:

Customizable Default Product

We have prepared this to behave in Semi Automatic nature. There is a default product that can be set, which is at the heart of the plugin. The builder initially shows the default product, and as the user goes through the steps, it lets him change various attributes of it.

Live Preview

The builder shows a preview of the Product being created step by step. It shows the price, sku etc. of the product right from the WooCommerce product. Additionally it also lets the user to share the product or email it to a friend.

Product Attributes

Product Attributes are the part of nuts and bolts of the plugin. It works depending on the these attributes. The attributes are shown as steps and the user can change them to get the product he wants. Another thing is that we had to cancel any options that results in an empty list. So we had to design it in such a way that no option shows an empty list. Every choice leads at least one other option to choose from. It gets very intuitive and engaging once someone uses it.

TM-EPO Implementation

Our client wanted some custom fields to be added, such as Ring size and sample ordering. We have added support for them as well. Now it works with TM Extra Product Options as they wanted.


The builder has many elements. So it was a challenge to fit all these functionality into a small screen. It had different arrangements of elements for different screens. It was a good challenge for us and we have succeeded on it.

Putting it all together

Our plugin puts together all of these things into a plugin so that it works seemlessly with the WC products. It creates a fun and engaging way to get users hooked into the wide variety of products. We liked the idea and we had a long discussion with client about various details to make it a worthwhile addition to their website.

It was a complex project, but we had fun developing it.

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